How do you know whether you have the best team or the worst team?
Rajesh Pathak
Characteristics of a best team are as follows:
  1. Team members are disciplined, sincere and hard-working.
  2. They are self motivated and energized.
  3. They are obedient and have great communication skills.
  4. They are fun loving.
  5. They respect everyone.
  6. They understand their leader well and try to match their footsteps with him/her for the betterment of the team and the process.
A bad team consists of following kind of team members:
  1. Some team members try to run the show as per their own will.
  2. They think that they are not only better than others in the team, but they can also manage the team better than their supervisor.
  3. They don’t like to follow office rules and try to manipulate the rules as per their comfort by giving all sort of excuses.
  4. If something good happens, they try to steal the show. If something bad happens, blame game begins.
  5. They try to find shortcut to success because they don’t like the route of hard-work and patience.
  6. Despite of not delivering suitable performance, their expectations are sky high during yearly appraisal.
  7. They can’t take criticism positively and get ready to argue with supervisor when feedback is shared with them for their improvement.
  8. They don’t share the good deeds and good qualities of team members and leaders with management. But they don’t take seconds to start criticizing their supervisors or mentors when their wishes are not fulfilled.
  9. They don’t take pride in what they are doing. They think they are made for far superior things and waste their and others time in day dreaming and complaining.
