By using the services of this website, customers agree to the fact that owner of this website, Rajesh Pathak, is only working as an intermediary for 'Services' page. He is outsourcing the work to Indian and foreign professionals of respective fields to help people to get what they want. Owner of this website is not responsible for any legal, or copyright/plagiarism related issues for the work delivered by other professionals. Liability of owner of this website is restricted only to the full refund to the customers in case of any legal, copyright/plagiarism issue. The owner of this website will fully refund the amount paid by the aggrieved customer having found any such complaint genuine. Customers are required to immediately discontinue using the faulty service after discovering any such issue and provide appropriate proof of their complaint to get swift refund from the owner of this website.

Sale of Microsoft Excel courses through Graphy platform will be as per the terms laid down by Graphy for all the countries including EU.

Check the Refund Policy (